When Alessandro Nesta joined the Montreal Impact for the final two years of his career, fans and pundits alike felt that his experience would be one of the keys to success on the field, but also invaluable to the younger players on the team.
Now, as a technical consultant, that experience will assist the coaching staff when analyzing games over the 2014 season.

The newly retired defender has joined the Impact technical staff as a consultant.
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“He will be analyzing video of games, ours and our opponents, while providing scouting reports both post and pre–game,” said Impact Sporting Director Nick De Santis. “With his experience, all the great coaches he’s played for and learned from, his input will be good for us.”
Although the announcement came late in preseason, discussions about Nesta returning with the club began the minute he announced his retirement.
“We spoke with him about what he’d like to do right away after he decided to call it career. We wanted to know what he was thinking and how we could help him in his goal of becoming coach. We were both open to the idea, and it was his idea about contributing through analysis and scouting reports.”
And as much as his experience will help the Impact, this opportunity for the World Cup winner will be just as invaluable.
“This will also help him on his path in becoming a coach. He’s already begun the process at Coverciano (coaches training centre in Italy) in October and this will help him with experience even before doing actual courses at Coverciano.”
A win-win situation…what do you think?