
Get the complete experience

The best price for all games at Stade Saputo.


How many matches are included in my CF Montréal Membership?

Season Ticket Memberships include tickets to all 17 scheduled CF Montréal regular season MLS home matches. Additional match(es) or special event(s) at Stade Saputo, Olympic Stadium, or other venue, as each may be offered at the CF Montréal’s discretion. There is no guarantee that an Additional Match will be offered during a Season.

What is auto-renewal?

All current Members will be automatically renewed for the following season with the best price of the year, with less hassle in continuing their Membership and keeping their tickets year over year. The auto-renewal model also ensures that fans have the flexibility to cancel at any time. This model enables fans to pay over the course of up to 12 months if they so choose.

What is the difference between cancelling and opting out?

Canceling your tickets is used to terminate your membership during the current season and discontinue payment. Should you choose not to return for the following season, you will have a 15-day opt-out period before September 14.

How do I cancel?

To cancel, Members must complete and submit the online cancellation request form* a minimum of 15 days prior to their desired date of cancellation*.

If I choose to cancel, will I get a refund?

If there is another payment date within the 15-day window, the Member will be charged. Following your final payment within the 15-day window, you will no longer be charged, and your tickets will no longer be valid. No refunds on previous Membership payments will be issued upon cancellation.

If I move away, how can I ensure my account is not auto renewed?

If you would like to ensure you are not auto renewed for the following season you can provide written notice to opt out of the following season at any time before or on September 14 of the current year. Alternatively, you can opt out during the 15-day opt out period (September 1 to September 15).

What payment plans are available for CF Montréal Members?

There are three payment plans available for Members:

Monthly – 12 equal payments starting in September of each year, or, if purchased past September, lump sum payment to equal payment schedule based upon a September start date. Monthly payments will be drawn on the 15th of each month.

50/50 – The first payment (50% of total Membership cost) occurs on the purchase and/or renewal date. The second payment (50% of total Membership cost) is scheduled for March 15 of the respective season. In subsequent years, 50% will be charged on September 15, and 50% on March 15.

Full – 100% payment upon purchase and each September in subsequent years.

How will I be notified of Membership changes, including pricing?

Any changes to pricing, or other material changes to your Membership benefits will be communicated via email, to the email address on file, at least 15 days prior to the auto-renewal date (September 15).

Can I begin paying monthly, then decide to change my payment plan option?

Yes. Please contact your Members Service Consultant for more information.

Can I transfer ownership of my Membership during the season?

Your CF Montréal Membership is non-transferable; however, you can e-mail your tickets through your CFM Portal to a friend.

When do payments start?

Payments begin in September for the following season and the subscription must be paid in full by August 15 of the following year.

Do I receive anything by paying during the off season?

The payment plan options are intended to provide further flexibility and ease of payment for Members. However, in previous years, season kick-off parties and Members council events, for example, have been scheduled in the off-season. In other words, your CF Montréal membership is truly year-round and remains much more than just soccer matches!

Can I suspend my Membership?

The CF Montréal Membership cannot be suspended for any period of time. If a Member chooses to cancel or opt out of their Membership for a period, they will need to re-establish their Membership as per new Member policies.

What benefits do Members get over individual ticket buyers?

Members benefit from substantial savings (up to 40% off) compared to individual ticket prices.

This season, Members have access to:

All CF Montréal MLS regular season home games. As well as priority access to additional CF Montréal games, including Canadian Championship and Leagues Cup games.

Exclusive events, including our annual team meet-and-greet at Stade Saputo

In addition, Members have access to savings on:

Additional individual tickets (Certain restriction may apply)

Food and beverages at concessions (Certain restriction may apply)

Merchandise at the CF Montréal official store

Corporate space rentals for each game.

Regular group tickets

MLS Season Pass (1 access per account)

What benefits do Members receive over single ticket buyers?

Members receive significant savings (up to 40% off) versus the price of individual match tickets.

Each season, Members have access to:

CF Montréal regular season MLS home matches

Canadian Championship home matches

Leagues cup home matches

Exclusive events, including our annual Meet-The-Team event at Stade Saputo

Savings on:

Additional individual tickets

Food & beverage concessions

Merch at the official CF Montréal boutique

Per-match loge & mezzanine rentals for groups

Regular group tickets

Are tickets to the MLS Cup Playoffs, League’s Cup, Canadian Championship and Concacaf Champions League tickets, or international matches included in my CF Montréal 2025 Season Ticket?

Should CF Montréal host additional matches, the club reserves the right to offer an option to unsubscribe from these matches. As a member, you will have first right of refusal on your seats. The additional cost of these matches will be automatically charged to you if you wish to keep your seats. If you decide not to keep your seats for these additional matches, your seats will be released, and no additional charges will be applied to your account.

Do I get a gift if I renew or buy an CF Montréal Membership?

Yes. Not only do Members get access to the absolute best price over all 17 MLS home games, but Members also receive an annual exclusive Member gift. In previous years, for example, longer-term Members have collected our exclusive Member scarves! The CF Montréal Membership also comes with many added benefits, including access to exclusive prizes and unique experiences. Additionally, all Members receive savings on additional tickets, merchandise, food & drinks, and suite rentals.

Does CF Montréal offer a referral program and if so, how does it work?

Please contact your Members Service Consultant for more information.

Can I pre-purchase parking?

All Prestige memberships come with a parking space (1 parking pass per pair of tickets).

How can I pay for my CF Montréal Membership?

The club accepts VISA, MasterCard, and American Express. Some restrictions may apply.

Do you have special rates for children, students and seniors?

Preferential rates are offered in our Lait's Go Zone for children aged 5 to 16. Ask our Member Services team for more details!

Should you have any additional questions or comments about new or existing CF Montréal Memberships, don’t hesitate to contact our Members Service team at 514-328-3668 or

We always respond as quickly as possible during regular business hours.